Saturday, December 25, 2021

Hank Frank's Merry Christmas Tree

That which you see above arrived on my phone around noon, whilst I was walking around Lucy Park with throngs of other merriment seekers, disc golfers and pecan pickers. The photo was sent by Hank Frank's proud papa, my Favorite Nephew Joey.

Along with text saying "Happy Holidays to you. Currently 35 and raining. Snow predicted later this evening."

I Merry Christmas-ed back along with saying "Near 90, clear sky, no snow this evening."

Joey then inquired whether I still had access to a swimming pool, to which I said I did, but it is Winter, so pools are not poolable.

To which Joey opined that Texas is such an odd state.

I assume Joey was referring to the odd weather, but it could be any number of things to which Joey was referring.

I should have explained to Joey that in Texas one day in Winter the outer world might get heated to 90, with two days later an Arctic Blast dropping the temperature to below freezing...

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