Saturday, December 4, 2021

Foggy Saturday Nature Commune At Lucy Park

At dawn's early light, this Saturday morning, a dense fog rendered almost zero visibility looking out my bedroom window. Yesterday's record breaking high got mixed up with an incoming cold front making for a foggy mess.

It is now two hours past noon and the sun still has not managed to melt away the foggy cloudiness.

So, even though the outerworld was a bit uninviting, and creature of repetitive habit that I be, I rolled my wheels once again to Lucy Park to commune with nature and dodge disc golfer's discs.

Each visit to Lucy Park of late has seen less and less color and fewer and fewer leaves in the trees. The evergreens are still green, though, hence the name. The one above is a good evergreen example. It looks like an overweight Christmas tree.

I thought the above now naked tree looked interesting. The photo does not much do justice to how interesting it looked. That trail you see here is not the Circle Trail. Lucy Park has multiple lesser trails meandering through the park.

Another interesting looking tree next to another meandering trail. It looks like a ghost town of dead trees.

Had never walked through the above section of Lucy Park before. Multiple sheltered picnic tables hidden in a grove of trees.

I wonder where I will commune with nature tomorrow? 

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