Saturday, December 11, 2021

Back To Lucy Park With Fallen Trees

On this second Saturday of the 2021 version of December it was back to Lucy Park for a chilly commune with nature.

A cold front blew in yesterday, extremely hard, blowing leaves like projectiles, creating a dust storm, along with sparking wildfires, one of which caused the evacuation of part of the town of Electra, a few miles west of Wichita Falls.

By this morning almost dead calm prevailed, with a temperature a few degrees above freezing.

Soon upon arrival at Lucy Park wind damage was obvious, as witnessed by the above photo documentation of a blown over tree.

The trees look so odd without their leaves, like that fellow you see above, basically all trunk with maybe two limbs.

Lucy Park has such a large variety of trees. Only a few of which I know their brand. For instance, I can tell a pecan tree is such, due to the nuts on the ground and all the nuts harvesting the nuts. I can tell an oak tree via both the acorn nuts and the shape of the leaves. 

Methinks it would be a mighty fine addition to Lucy Park to put identifying signage by the various trees. This would be quite educational.

I do not know if there will by any nature communing tomorrow. If past history is any indicator, there likely will be some nature communing...

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