Thursday, November 4, 2021

Storm Free Visit To Dead Calm Lake Wichita Before Stealing Taco Bell Taco

In the first photo you see here it almost looks like I am at an ocean beach with waves crashing to shore behind me.

Sadly, such was not the case.

I do not know why this looks so stormy, because it was not. Total cloud cover, yes, but zero wind, dead calm, Lake Wichita turned into a motionless mirror.

As you can see I am making a lot of progress with the selfie taking under the kind tutelage of Janatee Largo, also known as Thelma McNutty. 

Janatee is a master at offering constructive criticism, which she offers without hesitation, not caring if the constrictive criticism was solicited, or not.

Today's chilly endorphin inducing aerobic activity took place at the Lake Wichita Dam location.

Usually a strong wind blows here, necessitating signage warning to beware of such. But, as you can clearly see, dead calm was what was happening today.

In the above photo documentation we are on the Lake Wichita Boardwalk, looking west across the lake to Mount Wichita looming tall on the distant horizon.

Off the boardwalk now, heading to the Lake Wichita Floating Dock. When a strong wind blows, making waves, this floating dock can feel like being on a carnival ride.

Now we are on the floating dock, looking south at that boardwalk we were on moments ago. 

And now we are back on the Circle Trail, on top of Lake Wichita Dam, heading north.

It was nice today, being outside without being buffeted by strong wind gusts.

Completing today's nature commune it was a short drive to Taco Bell to pick up lunch. Today was Taco Bell's "Steal a Taco Day". Apparently if anyone stole a base during the recently completed World Series, today, nationwide, Taco Bell was giving away a free Dorito taco. 

I also got a Supreme Burrito. My dad learned to like Taco Bell after mom and dad moved to Arizona. But, me? I do not understand how Taco Bell, or any of the taco fast food joints, stay in business...

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