Saturday, November 27, 2021

Saturday Lucy Park Nature Commune

It was to Lucy Park I traveled on this final Saturday of the 2021 version of November for some salubrious nature communing.

We have now had the first freeze of the freezing season, hence most of the leaves have left the trees, and the formerly green grass is now mostly brown.

In the photo above that wooden gallows looking structure is a one of a kind Lucy Park swinging bench.

Another view from the same location as the swinging bench. 

I was over dressed for today's nature communing. The temperature was way warmer than the predicted chilly temperature. And there was some solar heating happening via the openings in the cloud cover.

Yesterday I learned my first ex-wife has been hospitalized since last Wednesday, awaiting open heart surgery on Monday with a triple bypass. A couple weeks ago I learned my favorite ex-sister-in-law is under going cancer treatment. 

Appreciate your good health whilst you have it, is what I am thinking today...

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