Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saturday At Wichita Falls Farmers Market Looking For McNutty Style Big Beautiful Buns

This morning I made mention to Thelma McNutty that I was going to the library this morning, along with possibly going to the nearby Saturday Farmers Market, if it were open, and take a walk around the block to look at, once again, the World's Littlest Skyscraper.

Wichita Falls having the World's Littlest Skyscraper may be the town's primary claim to fame.

It is an impressive structure, as you can clearly see. 

I was surprised to see the Farmer's Market totally open. I knew it had been shuttered due to COVID. Don't know how long the Farmers Market has been back up and running.

The interior space was full of vendors. And the outdoor space also had multiple vendors.

There were a lot of free samples being handed out. But, I am wary of such, in this COVID era. But I did try some lamb sausage, due to the fastidious way the lamb samples were being handed out.

 Another view of the outdoor vendor area. Live music was also adding to the festive mood.

When I mentioned I was going to the Farmers Market, Madame McNutty asked if cinnamon rolls were sold there. I replied that on previous visits I do not recollect seeing any bread products. Not that such would have left a lasting impression upon my memory.

McNutty is well known in Central Virginia, centered in Appomattox, for her Big Beautiful Buns, usually of the cinnamon roll variety.

I saw no cinnamon rolls today, but I did see a lot of similar products, because this visit I was looking for them. Above a pair of outdoor vendors had a variety of bread type products. I did not inquire to get more specific.

And then inside the Farmers Market building we had HEAVENLY MANNA selling heavenly bread.

Another look at various vendors vending inside the Farmers Market building.

The lady above could be an aged doppleganger of the aforementioned McNutty, also inside the Farmers Market building, selling a wide variety of stuff, from catnip to cookies.

So far, this has been my exciting next to last Saturday of the 2021 version of November...

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