Monday, November 29, 2021

Monday Getting Dry Benched In Lucy Park

It was once again to Lucy Park this final Monday morning of the 2021 version of November. As you can see the sky has been cleared of clouds, allowing the sun to heat up the outer world to a temperature balmy enough to do nature communing in short pants and t-shirt.

Lucy Park has several one of a kind benches. Above you are looking at a twin bench. With a roof, allowing a dry bench escape from rain, if one happened to be walking by with a downpour ensuing.

As you can see, most color has now left the landscape, not to return til next Spring. 

26 or 27 days til Christmas. I'm not sure. Today is the 29th of November. Christmas is December 25. I think I am going to go with it being 27 days til Christmas.

I have already done all the Christmas shopping I am going to do. I have already installed all the Christmas decorations I am going to install.

And now it is time to fire up the Instant Pot and make cauliflower soup...

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