Thursday, November 18, 2021

Drone Eye View Of Skagit Valley Flood

This video gives you a good look at the Skagit River in flood mode this week. It begins with a couple fly overs of the new bridge across the Skagit which connects Mount Vernon with Burlington, Burlington being the town I grew up in. 

I believe that new bridge across the Skagit was built in less than a year. Over, as you can see, actual water.

The drone flies over the I-5 bridge across the Skagit and then heads to downtown Mount Vernon.

You get a good look at the flood wall which has now successfully blocked downtown Mount Vernon from being inundated by a serious flood.

Towards the end of the video the drone gives you a panoramic view of the Skagit Flats. You see the mountains to the east and north. You see how close Mount Vernon and Burlington are to the saltwater of North Puget Sound. Or is it the saltwater of the San Juan Islands at that location? I never thought to wonder when I lived in the neighborhood.

You will also see several islands when the drone looks west, real islands, not imaginary islands created by a cement lined ditch...

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