Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Amtraking With Miss Prissy Before Lucy Parking With Colorful Leaves

This morning I virtually railed the Amtrak train with Miss Prissy Prudence, from Lynchburg to my getting off location in Manassas, Virginia.

There was a lot of discussion on the train about the size of Miss Prissy's feet. With photo documentation.

After getting off the train I used my motorized motion device to drive to Lucy Park to do some nature communing.

As you can see there has been a drastic reduction in leaf greenery in Lucy Park. And the leaves which do remain in the trees have changed their color, such as the yellow leafed tree you see above.

I do not think we have gone below freezing yet at my location. So, I don't know what has the trees changing leaf color or going bald.

Last night I got all my fixin's for my massive Thanksgiving feast. It will be Mexican food themed. With ground turkey making tacos and chili. 

The Thanksgiving buffet opens at 1 in the afternoon. Til closing time...

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