Monday, October 11, 2021

Last Night Thunderstorm Before Today's Clear Blue Calm

My bike decided to roll me to Sikes Lake today, after visiting Hamilton Park and the MSU campus.

As you can see the outer world is pretty much dead calm at my location on this second Monday of the 2021 version of October.

Such was not the case last night when a strong thunderstorm with 70 mph winds and a short downpour poured down. The power only flickered a couple times. Tornado warnings were issued for Wichita County and the surrounding counties. 

But, the tornado sirens never went active.

While this storm was happening I was on a virtual Amtrak train ride, going from Manassas to Lynchburg, Virginia. It was a rocking and rolling train ride. Almost as bad as my one and only time of riding Amtrak from Seattle to Portland. And back.

Or was that Tacoma to Portland? And back.

I can't remember, for sure. What I do remember is the ride back was worse than the ride to. And, that by the time I was back driving I had to pull off of I-5 so that I could throw up. First time I have ever been seasick.

And it was from a train ride. Not a rocky boat ride...

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