Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Hiking With The Wichita Bluff Hoodoos, Grasshoppers & Sunflowers

Today I returned to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area to go on a long hike. All the way from the western parking lot to the eastern parking lot and back. A roundtrip of around five miles. It has been awhile since I hiked this long a distance.

I don't know how well I would do these days, going on a real hike on a real mountain with a real elevation gain and a distance of 10 miles, or more.

I forgot to mention, as you can see above, the Wichita Bluff Nature Area Hoodoo Cairn has risen to an unprecedented height. Today the Hoodoo Cairn was being buffeted by a strong steady wind. With gusts.

Just to the right of the Hoodoo Cairn, behind that green bush tree, there was the splash of yellow you see below.

Are these sunflowers? They look like sunflowers. Whatever they are they were swaying in the wind, so much so I was surprised the photos I took were not all blurry.

Grasshoppers were out in force today. They can be a bit annoying. Multiple times today one hopped right at my face...

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