Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Giant Wichita Bluff Nature Areas Weeds With Mean Girls

Lately a couple well known Mean Girls, Madame McNutty & Comrade Sobek, to be exact, have been belittling my earnest attempts to take a selfie photo with my phone.

One of the Mean Girls even compared my face to a soccer ball. I really do not understand this.

The other Mean Girl, last night, suggested I have an eating disorder, in addition to being photography challenged.

Shortly before noon today I returned to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area to do some natural hiking.

Yesterday, or the day before, I mentioned having a run in with giant 20 foot weeds sprouting alongside the Circle Trail. When I mentioned those 20 foot weeds I also mentioned seeing the same type giant weeds sprouting in the Wichita Bluff Nature Area, and that at that point in time I was not in the mood to photo document them

But, today I was, hence the photo documenting selfie above, standing in front of giant weeds. I eagerly await the Mean Girls critique.

Continuing past the giant 20 foot weeds.

Above I am far above the giant weeds which grow alongside the Wichita River. You can sort of see the Wichita River peeking through the trees. As you can clearly see, the leaves have not gone into fall color mode at my location.

I don't remember if the trees here do go into fall color mode. Seems like what happens is first freeze the leaves just fall to the ground, without going through a being colorful phase. Can you spot the purple wildflower which was what provoked me to take a photo at this location?

Madame McNutty probably won't be belittling my latest selfie anytime soon. She is currently stuck on a slow motion Amtrak train, heading north to Delaware, stuck behind a slow moving freight train... 

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