Friday, October 29, 2021

Another Windy Texas Day Grounds Me

Another extremely windy day at my location on the planet. With gusts gusting to around 40 mph riding my bike had zero appeal. So, it was to nearby Sikes Lake my motorized motion device took me for a walk around Sikes Lake.

Above you are standing in the middle of the bridge at the west end of Sikes Lake, looking west at what looks like a lagoon, but is, in reality, the creek which delivers the water which makes Sikes Lake. 

The high wind had the Sikes Lake Geese Fleet grounded today. Out of the water, out of the air. Above you are seeing only a small portion of the Sikes Lake goose population. There is also a flock of ducks in residence, some of whom mingle with the geese.

Soon after getting past the flock of grounded geese we come upon the scene above. I have blogged about this previously, but never got an answer to the question I asked. Soon after the plaque you see in the foreground was installed the information on the plaque became wrong. Mention is made of the small horse you see above the plaque, indicating the small horse's name is "Painters Parade". And then mention is made of a large horse named "Apple-oosa".

Well, Apple-oosa disappeared soon after this plaque was installed. Was Apple-oosa stolen? Or moved to a new location by the Wichita Falls Museum of Art? If it was stolen it was a rather brazen act of thievery. As in there is no easy access via vehicle to this location. And there are a lot of eyes at this location.

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