Friday, September 3, 2021

Texas Bans Abortions Whilst Allowing Texans To Openly Carry Guns Without Permit


The above is a screen cap from the top of the main page of yesterday's edition of CNN online. 

Over the years of my exile in Texas I've lost count of the number of times where this that or the other thing has caused Texas to be a national, or international embarrassment.

It has grown tiresome being asked by non-Texans, both west coasters and east coasters and between the coasters, how I can stand living in Texas with so many redneck right wing nutjobs.

It gets old explaining that not all Texans are right wing nutjobs. And that those who are, it really is not their fault. The schools in Texas are largely sub-standard, with kids not getting the quality education those of us who were educated in more, well, educated states.

There have been many Texans who have made an effort to improve the schools. The late Ross Perot comes to mind. He famously tried to get Texas schools to pay less attention to football and more to learning.

But, for me, Texas has hit a new low with this new law allowing idiots to openly carry a handgun without a permit, license or training.

And then Texas topped that embarrassment with an almost total abortion ban, even for rape and incest victims. 

I get asked why Texas elects so many morons, like the current governor. And the one before him. And the one before that one. Well, the entire country elected to a higher office the one before the one before the current Texas Governor.

I don't know what happened that changed Texas from the state which gave America Lyndon Baines Johnson. And Anne Richards as Governor. And Lloyd Bentsen as Senator. And Barbara Jordan as Congresswoman. And Sam Rayburn as Speaker of the House.

How did Texas go from politicians like those to the likes of Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick and Ken Paxton? The current Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General.

All three embarrassments prone to saying incredibly stupid stuff, over and over and over again. Which the right wing nutjobs don't understand to be incredibly stupid stuff, because, well, that is what right wing nutjobs do, they misunderstand reality, and then get mad about that which they don't understand...

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