Friday, September 10, 2021

Don't Trust Wichita Falls Bike Stop Bike Shop To Fix Your Bike

If anyone is missing the key ingredient in Duck Soup, there is a surplus available for the plucking, currently, at Sikes Lake. The duck population growth has the Sikes Lake flock rivaling the size of the Sikes Lake Goose flock.

Ducking to another subject.

I got my bike back from the bike doctor last night.

I had taken the bike to the only bike shop in Wichita Falls, called Bike Stop.

The problem I was having with the bike was the derailleur was not shifting correctly, with the main problem being the three gears that are connected to the eight gears on the rear wheel were not shifting correctly.

As in I could not shift from the 3rd sprocket to the 2nd. If I clicked to the 1st sprocket the chain would make the jump to that sprocket, and then when I clicked #2 the chain shifted to the 2nd (middle) sprocket. And from there it could go back to #3.

Now, I do not remember if this was the exact problem that had me taking the bike to the doctor, or a variation of the problem. What I do know for sure is the Bike Stop store did not fix my bike's shifting problem.

And I won't be doing any business with the Bike Stop again. 

But, even with this newfound annoyance I had a mighty fine time rolling the bike's wheels over 9 miles. 

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