Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Kayaking Under Mount Rainier With David, Theo & Ruby

Text accompanying the above photo which showed up on my phone this morning, "We took an evening paddle to celebrate your early birthday".

I can not tell for sure if that is Mama Michele or Mama Kristin paddling with the Tacoma Trio of David, Ruby and Theo.

I know for sure that that is Mount Rainier in the distance behind them, and that they are paddling on Puget Sound in the Harstine Island zone.

Mount Rainier does not look to be in nearly as bad a shape, white covering-wise, as the bad shape I learned this morning is the current status of Mount Shasta, as evidenced via the photo below...

Mount Shasta is the most accessible of the Cascade Mountain volcanoes, what with being a short distance east of the Interstate 5 freeway. I don't know if there are trails up the slopes of Mount Shasta, like there are on Mount Rainier and Mount Baker. Without snow it looks like you could just make your own trail hiking up Mount Shasta.

Sure looks fun to go kayaking. Months ago I was almost certain I would be up north in Washington at this point in time, and getting to go kayaking, among other fun stuff...

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