Monday, August 23, 2021

Google Erroneously Looks Back At My August 21 Memories

The above showed up in my email a couple days ago, a gift from Google. These memory gifts from Google show up every once in a while for no reason apparent to me. 

Of the five memories shown above I remember four out of the five. I have no clue what town is being remembered in the upper left. 

Google tells me these are memories from August 21.


I know for an absolute fact that two of these memories are from August 11. In the year 2008 to be exact.

On that day in that year I went to see Mount Rainier up close. That would make my sister-in-law's mom, Janet, next to me in front of Mount Rainier in the lower right photo.

Above me and Janet that is a photo of the new Centennial building and its mustang sculptures at MSU (Midwestern State University). To the left of me and Janet is the fountain at MSU. 

So, Google thinks I somehow managed to be at Mount Rainier, in Washington, and MSU, in Texas, on the same day in 2008. I have no memory of such happening...

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