Monday, August 16, 2021

FNJ Photo Documents Melting Mount Baker

Photo documentation, sent by my Favorite Nephew Jason, was in my email this morning, documenting the current melting status of Washington's Mount Baker volcano.

The text accompanying the two photos...

FUD --.

As promised, photo documentation of the local volcano appearing nearly naked.  I have never seen this much rock visible.   And as we chatted about the other day, it is only mid-August!  Snowfall in the mountains normally doesn't start until late September or early October.   If we have a warm September, perhaps Mt. Baker will be topless by the end of summer.  That's my bet.

Both snapshots were taken late this afternoon.   These views weren't available the past few days due to wildfires, but the mountain became visible later today after the sun burned of the marine fog.  

The first photo is from the parking lot at Fidalgo Drive-In looking east.  That blob of land located behind the oil tanker and in front of Mount Baker is Hat Island.  I have not been to this Hat Island, but I have camped once on Saddlebag Island which is just a hop, skip and jump to the north. 

The view from the Fidalgo Drive-In has dramatically improved after the bowling alley across the street was demolished.

The accompanying text from FNJ continues below the second photo...

For the second photo, I stopped off at March's Point on my way home from work.  This view shows so much of the mountain, which is normally dressed in snow, showing just bare rock.  The water you are looking at is Padilla Bay, and the group of homes and buildings on the lower right is the unincorporated community of Bay View. I think I sent you a photo you used in your blogging years ago from this exact same location.  Let me search for that, so we can compare snow cover.

Well I found it: Spencer Jack Drives His Pickup To Frozen Padilla Bay, however, it looks like I took that 2016 photo looking southeast and not northeast.

Anyway, I'm tired now and ready for dinner. Hope these photos don't make you too homesick.


Well, Mount Baker still has a lot of frozen water to melt. Long ways to go to be as shockingly naked as California's Mount Shasta

Thanks for the photo documentation, Jason. I was already homesick, so these photos did not make that condition worse...

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