Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Flying Over Naked Mount Rainier With Sister Jackie

Above you are looking at Favorite Sister Jackie and Favorite Brother-in-Law Jack's view of Mount Rainier as they flew by on their way from Arizona to Washington.

Part of the text that came with the photo said "Mount Rainier has lost all its snow". 

I have never seen Rainier looking like this, with the only white remaining being the glaciers. The Mountain looks naked without its snow covering.

Linda Lou told me she was gonna send me a pic of the current status of Mount Baker, after she told me she'd never seen that volcano with so much rock exposed and I asked if photo documentation was possible.

I have never thought to wonder before why the Cascade Mountain range has so many volcanoes, whilst I do not know of a single volcano in the Rocky Mountain range.

Well, there is the Yellowstone area which is one gigantic volcanic cauldron. But, I don't think that counts as being a volcano.

Sometimes when you fly into Seattle, when Washington is free of clouds, and the plane flies the right route, one can get a glimpse of all five of Washington's volcanoes, along with Mount Hood in Oregon.

Whenever I fly into D/FW, when Texas is free of clouds, and no matter which route the plane takes, I can glimpse no volcanoes.

But one might glimpse what passes for being a mountain if the plane flies near Guadalupe Mountains National Park...

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