Thursday, July 22, 2021

What Did Margaret See Arriving In Seattle?

People with whom I went to school are flying into Seattle this week from all over the world to attend a class reunion Saturday in a humongous man cave located on the Skagit/Samish Flats. One of those flying in posted that which you see above, on Facebook, with the caption saying "This is what I saw arriving in Seattle!!"

Margaret Mikota Grants, flying in from one of those flyover states in the Midwest, I think Minnesota or Wisconsin, organized this reunion from her perch a couple thousand miles east of the Skagit Valley.

I'm not sure what Margaret is exclamation pointing to that she saw upon arrival in Seattle. The lack of other planes on the tarmac? The lack of green in the Evergreen state? Or Mount Rainier minus most of its usual snow cover?

I suspect it is the Mountain which Margaret is talking about.

I have not gone to a class reunion since one way back in 1991. This one in 2021 starts at noon, with a Potluck at 2 in the afternoon, ending when the last person leaves.

I would have planned to go to this reunion except it was made quite clear it is for "ADULTS ONLY", and as hard as I tried, I could not find a baby sitter.

That and potlucks make me nervous.

Margaret Mikota Grants has made it known that to the Potluck she is bringing her famous Italian Pasta Salad. Is she making this in Washington? Or did it fly with her to Seattle, packed in dry ice?

Like I said Potlucks make me nervous...

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