Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Ongoing TRWD Scandal Keeps Growing Over Dry Land


This morning's email included one from S-Man which was a comment from yesterday's blog post above Washington's melting snowpack, with the comment having zero to do with melting snow...

S-Man has left a new comment on your post "Washington's Mountains Are Melting":

Tarrant water district board members question law firm’s advice

It would seem S-Man used the blog comment method to point me to an article he thought I would find of interest. S-Man was correct in his thinking.

That is a screen cap from the article you see above. With a new look at one of Fort Worth's pitiful little bridges which have taken years and years to build over dry land. You also get a good look at those imaginarily iconic signature V-Piers, frequently touted by the Trinity River Vision's J.D. Granger as being something real special.

J.D. Granger shows up in this article in the Fort Worth Reporter. But the main thrust of the article is the fact that apparently the majority of the Tarrant Region Water District Board is fed up with the board's longtime general counsel, and the dubious legal advice said counsel has provided.

Such as okaying funneling $300K to departing General Manager, Jim Oliver, along with $60K to J.D. Granger. With that money being a bogus adding to their accounts of supposed un-paid leave time off.

These sham pay-offs were approved by former TRWD Board President, Jack Stevens, who received the fewest votes in the latest TRWD Board election, thus removing Stevens from the TRWD Board.

Stevens made these sham pay-offs without consulting the TRWD Board.

The TRWD Board has since rescinded the sham payoffs. And it looks like there may be some sort of criminal investigation into what appear to be improper shenanigans.

Read the entire Fort Worth Reporter Tarrant water district board members question law firm’s advice article for all the details...

1 comment:

  1. Remember how you briefly touched on Valerie Jay? She is Jim Oliver's girlfriend. She travels back and forth with Jim to Savannah, Georgia. That is their retirement plan while Valerie continues to collect a paycheck and get benefits from TRWD.

    She was originally hired as a consultant and is now a part time employee receiving benefits with exceptions to the hiring and benefit policy. What other exceptions is she left with? She reports to JD Granger who will continue to protect Valerie.

    Please keep this comment hidden and use the information to drain the swamp of nepotism and exceptions being paid with public dollars.
