Friday, July 16, 2021

Mom & Dad Finally Together Again In Lynden Washington

Yesterday, July 15, 2021, my mom and dad were reunited in Lynden, Washington, after being separated for almost four years.

This reunification was originally planned to take place last summer, but COVID intervened. 

And then this summer it was also thought the reunification would take place, with all my mom and dad's children helping with the reunification. 

But, again, COVID, and other complications intervened.

Last night Brother Jake sent my phone a couple photos taken yesterday, including the one you see above. This morning more photos arrived via email, sent by my Favorite Nephew Jason. We will get to Jason's photos and message below, but first Brother Jake's phone text message about mom's accident on the way north to Lynden...

By the way. Your mother was involved in a motor vehicle accident on route to her burial today. We were rear ended while waiting at a stop light on the Guide Meridian. Luckily mom was secured in the back seat. Miss Vicky, Loretta's Crown Victoria 4 door sedan, built like a tank, was not damaged. The elder lady who hit us had no driver's license, or insurance. She was sooooo apologetic...

Below, that would be Spencer Jack, Jason, Spencer's Grandpa Jake and Aunt Judy, awaiting the arrival of mom.

Email from Jason this morning....


I was just thinking about today's happenings.

I believe we had 7 generations of blood relatives within just a few feet of one another.

Cornelis & Aagje
John & Tillie
Cornelius & Sylvia
Jack & Shirley
Brother John (Jake)
Myself (FNJ)
Spencer Jack Slotemaker

I wish you were there today.   Give me a call tomorrow, if you want, and I can offer you a more detailed version of how it all played out.  Judy was super helpful.  Ironically, she and I had lunch together twice this week. 

One other thought that just came to mind--- I often think of how your Mom's obit was written.  I supplied some basic outline and details, and your sister Michele added a few great lines...... one that I thought of today is "She took her role as homemaker seriously, and served home-cooked meals every night."   Having home cooked meals every night must have been like living in luxury.

Judy today talked about how much your mother was a good cook.

Hope all is well a couple thousand miles apart.


Aunt Judy lives in Lynden.  Aunt Judy became our aunt when dad's brother, Mel, married her, way back in the 1960s.

Mom's reputation as a good cook comes up often. As recently as a few days ago when I talked to Miss Beth, friend of our family going back over half a century, Beth made mention of mom's cooking.

In the next photo we see mom has now arrived, patiently waiting to be installed in her final resting place.

And just like what happened with dad, it was mom and dad's eldest grandson, Jason, who put mom in her final location.

I suppose it comes as no surprise that I am feeling a bit melancholy this morning.

My new bike arrived yesterday.

Rain, this morning, is postponing my first test ride on the new bike.

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