Sunday, July 18, 2021

Hank Frank Visits Great Grandma Shirley For First Time

Incoming to my phone this Sunday afternoon, sent by my Favorite Nephew Joey and Hank Frank.

Hank Frank had visited his Great Grandpa Jack, previously, but never his Great Grandma Shirley, til today.

Hank Frank's dad, Joey, married his mother, Monique, after Great Grandpa Jack had moved to his final resting place.

At some point after that I was in Arizona, with mom, and we called Joey. I don't remember if this was before or after Joey got married. What I do remember was mom asking Joey a couple times when he was gonna come for a visit.

Joey and I had talked a time or two of timing a visit of his to Arizona with a time when I would be there. That would have been fun. But, it never happened.

Above Hank Frank is getting a closer look at the flowers which are currently sitting on mom and dad's headstone. I always thought these were called tombstones, but a couple days ago Betty Jo Bouvier referred to mom and dad's tombstone as a headstone. To Hank Frank's left are his Great Great Grandma and Grandpa's headstones.
Upon first seeing the above photo of Hank Frank pointing to a Slotemaker headstone other than his Great or Great Great Grandparental Units, I did not understand.

And then I did.

Hank Frank is pointing to the name on the headstone because it is the same name as his.

Henry Slotemaker.

Known as Uncle Hank. Younger brother of my dad's dad, Cornelius. Uncle Hank was married to Aunt Fanny. When I was Hank Frank's age, and older, Hank and Fanny lived on the Slotemaker Farm on Slotemaker Road, a couple miles east of Lynden.

Hank and Fanny lived there til they sold the farm and built a new house on Birch Bay Lynden Road, where Uncle Hank lived til he died, and Aunt Fanny lived til she was murdered.

Uncle Hank took it upon himself to write a detailed family history, going all the way back to Holland. If it weren't for Uncle Hank I would not know my family history in the great detail I know it, including how our family ended up in Lynden.

Way back in 2002 I webpaged Uncle Hank's family history which he called The Slotemaker Story. Til today I had not looked at this for a long long long time.

To make the website I used a now long outdated format known as frames. I also made several Shockwave animations which I now see are no longer supported.

But, The Slotemaker Story is still totally readable, with the frames still working. However, I suspect this would not work on a smart phone, only an old fashioned big computer screen. And maybe a tablet.

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