Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Google Is Tracking Where I Go And How I Got There

For some reason Google monitors my activity of the where I have been sort during the month, and then sends me a report of such via email.

The report includes photos of various locations I have been during the month.

For instance in June I found myself up north in Oklahoma, stopping at the Comanche Red River Casino Resort for a restroom break.

The activity email from Google included a photo of the exterior of that Comanche casino.

Google also tells me how far I walked, biked and drove during the month.

For June Google thinks I only walked two miles, biked 63 and drove 296.

I am fairly certain I walked more than two miles and biked more than 63. I don't know about the number of miles driven. 296 seems like it might be fairly accurate.

As for the biking miles, whatever the actual total was in June, in July it should be fewer miles. Due to my bike being in total malfunction mode.

It is the bike's lower bracket crankset (I think that is what it is called) which has failed. This part of the bike has been problematic for quite some time.  Previously loosening that ring you see at the end of a lot of threads and squirting in some lubricant alleviated the problem.

For awhile.

But last month the crank started getting real cranky. Noisy, skipping. My attempt to squirt in some lubricant totally broke this part of the bike, when I loosened the ring. That part with all the threads should not have come out like that. The round ring thing is supposed to tighten on those threads. Instead the part with all the threads came loose from whatever it was attached to inside the crank shaft.

This bike has had other issues which have long had me wary of it. Number one of those issues is twice the bike seat failed. As in suddenly broke off due to an attaching bolt breaking.

After the second incident the bike manufacturer, Schwinn, replaced the whole bike seat, post and seat, and since then there has been no more failing of that component.

But I still did not trust it not to fail again. I had been lucky both of the failure incidents that the failure happened just as I began to pedal. If it failed whilst rolling fast this could have been what might be known as a catastrophic failure, with injuries.

So, I am bike-less, now, til Thursday, when a new bike arrives...

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