Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Big Rock Hoodoo Appearance On Sikes Lake Shore

Today when I stopped my bike at my regular watering spot on Sikes Lake I was just a little surprised to see that someone had constructed a hoodoo from the big rocks lining the lake.

Some prefer to refer to these manmade hoodoos as cairns.

As you can see via the waveless lake the air was being pretty much dead calm for today's bike ride. With the temperature 93 and the humidity making it feel like 100.

I do not overheat whilst biking when it is HOT. Unless I stop in a shade-free spot. Then I quickly turn into a HOT sweaty mess.

Today was the second incident-less bike ride on the new bike. No seat woes, nor gear shift woes, no speedometer woes, no anything woes. So, since the previous bike ride was incident free, today I rode the new bike to musical accompaniment for the first time. 

Have I made mention of the fact the new bike is foldable? You pull a lever and you can then fold the bike in half, making for easy transport. I thought this type feature might come in handy for my long planned roadtrip to Washington, where I hope to go mountain biking with David, Theo & Ruby.

But, on my own bike this time.

What with the latest COVID status I begin to wonder if that long planned roadtrip to Washington is ever gonna happen...

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