Thursday, June 17, 2021

Spencer Jack Becomes Bulldog After Immaculate Conception

Three photos arrived in the email this morning, sent by Spencer Jack's paternal parental unit, my Favorite Nephew Jason. Along with the photos there was the following explanatory text...


Thought you’d enjoy these pictures.

Spencer Jack has completed his elementary Catholic schooling, and will soon be a Mount Vernon Bulldog in this upcoming fall.

Hope all is well in TX, FNJ. 

FUD is what all my favorite nephews, and niece, call me.

Favorite Uncle D.

I do not remember ever having been told why it is Spencer Jack attended a private school in the form of a Catholic elementary called Immaculate Conception Regional School. 

But now that Spencer Jack's 8 years of Catholic indoctrination are complete, apparently he is moving on to public school in the form of Mount Vernon High School. I believe this will make Spencer Jack the first Bulldog in the Jones family.

I do not much remember my 8th grade graduation from Lucille Umbarger Elementary in Burlington. I am fairly certain caps and gowns were not involved, which we can clearly see was the case with Spencer Jack's 8th grade graduation. In the above group graduate photo I believe that is Spencer Jack on the far left of the upper row.

And above we see Spencer Jack with his two Grandmas. That would be my Favorite-Ex-Sister-In-Law, Cindy, on the right. Spencer Jack has grown a few inches since I last saw him on August 13, 2017.

It looks like Spencer Jack is now as tall, or taller, than his paternal parental unit. I don't know why this is the only photo showing masks being worn. Or a graduation cap thrown to the ground.

I wonder if I will get a high school graduation invitation in four years when Spencer Jack's graduates from high school at the top of his class, giving a graduation speech? I have been able to attend only one of my nephew's high school graduations, that being when Spencer Jack's dad graduated from Burlington-Edison High School. 

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