Monday, June 21, 2021

Rare June Cold Front Arrives In Soon To Swelter North Texas

 A couple days ago I made mention of hearing a weather forecast forecasting the arrival on Monday of a rare late June cold front. The forecast made no mention of how cold this cold front was forecast to be.

Well, Monday has now arrived, and via the screen shot you see above, from the Wichita Falls Times News Record, we learn we will be chilling to 82 degrees today.

That is one chilly cold front!

And, for the first time this year we are seeing 100 degrees in the forecast.

Looking out the window it already looks stormy. Clear sky when the sun arrived this morning, with the bright morning light soon darkening with the cloud arrival.

Just checked my phone to see the current temperature is 79 degrees, heading towards that predicted 82 degree high.

I checked the temperature thinking it might be cool enough to open my computer room window. But, 79 is warmer than I have the A/C set to, and the A/C has been cycling off and on a few times this morning.

So, the windows will remain closed...

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