Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Skagit Valley's Linda Lou Bainbridge Island Green Housing With Scotch Broom

The Skagit Valley's itinerant Linda Lou has currently wandered to an island south of the Skagit Valley, temporarily residing in a Green House on that island.

Green House in the Green New Deal sense of the Green word. As in this Green House is a high tech energy efficient resource saving domicile, with Siri controlling the house at Linda Lou's command.

The island Linda Lou is Green Housing on is called Bainbridge Island. Linda Lou has been enjoying driving around Bainbridge Island, yesterday seeing the colorful scene you see above. A hill covered with yellow Scotch Broom. Scotch Broom is a northwest bane of those who suffer allergies.

This is a real island, surrounded by the actual deep swift moving tidal waters of Puget Sound.

I make mention of this being a real island for the benefit of those few who read this blog who are denizens of Fort Worth, a town which calls a large chunk of Fort Worth land an island, even though that land chunk is not surrounded by water. But may one day be sort of surrounded by water if a cement lined ditch is ever dug, with Trinity River water diverted into the ditch, creating, in the minds of those with no clue what an island is, an imaginary island. 

An imaginary island already named. Panther Island.

More than once I have heard from those living elsewhere, such as areas of modern America, like the west coast, that I am making this up, that there is no way a town can collectively be this dumb.

Well, I am not making this up. It's even worse than the short version. Ever since 2014 Fort Worth has been trying to build three simple little bridges over dry land to connect the Fort Worth mainland to that imaginary island. Built in the hope that one day that cement lined ditch will get dug and filled with water.

Back to Linda Lou and Bainbridge Island.

Bainbridge Island is accessed by ferry from Seattle. Or via Highway 305's Agate Pass Bridge connection at the north end of the island, connecting Bainbridge Island to the Kitsap Peninsula of the Olympic Peninsula. That highway 305 bridge to Bainbridge Island was built over actual deep swift moving water, not the built over dry land Fort Worth method.

And the Agate Pass Bridge, built over actual deep swift moving water was built in one year. 1950. The bridge is 1,229 feet long, with the longest span 300 feet long, with the bridge deck 75 feet above the high water mark.

Let's take a look at Bainbridge Island's Agate Pass Bridge...

Again I aim at those in Fort Worth who have recently witnessed the partial completion of one of their town's three bridges being built over dry land, touted as being somehow so special they were gonna be iconic signature bridges, recognized the world over as being in Fort Worth. Most who have seen the new Fort Worth bridge have commented regarding how ordinary it looks, like a freeway overpass.

An odd looking freeway overpass, passing over nothing...

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