Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Ruby Version 2021 On Harstine Island & Ruby Version 1917 On Another Island

That is my one and only Favorite Niece Ruby piggybacking on my Favorite Nephew Theo, you see above, on Harstine Island, located in the southern zone of Puget Sound.

Harstine Island is a real island connected to the mainland by a bridge built over actual water in less than four years. This is remarkable, because in my current location, Texas, there is a town, Fort Worth, which takes way longer than four years to build simple little bridges over dry land to connect to an imaginary island.

Below we see Favorite Nephew David has joined his little sister and brother, along with, I believe, Raven the Poodle.

On Facebook today I came upon a post which mentioned a Ruby from over a century ago. 

That is that Ruby you see below, leading a blind soldier. Scroll down past the photo to read about Ruby.

The little girl in this photograph is Ruby Crane. From the age of 3 years old Ruby walked blinded soldiers around a rehabilitation centre called St Dunstans at Brighton in Sussex, England. Ruby's Father was the head gardener there....she knew they were blinded and just returned from the first World War. Wandering the grounds, she would take hold of their hand and ask them where they wanted to go.

She would guide them around the grounds. People were so affected by little Ruby walking the blind soldiers around they would send her dolls and toys as a thank you for all the support she was giving to the men and women affected by sight loss. Little Ruby was rewarded with a long life as she passed away in her late nineties, in 2011.

Ruby recalled..... " I always remember how my little hand seemed so small in their big hands....they were so pleased to have a child come and talk to them....it was something different away from the monotonous grind of not being able to see things." Ruby was so popular that she featured on the front page of the St Dunstans first Annual Report for 1915/1916 and later Flag Day emblems incorporated a similar design that featured Little Ruby.

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