Friday, April 23, 2021

Foggy Drizzly Walk With Colorful Texas Wildflowers

You can not quite tell so via the photo documentation above, so I will just have to tell you, today, on this next to last Friday of the 2021 version of April, the outer world at my location is overcast with a drizzly fog that one expects to find this time of year on an ocean beach, not hundreds of miles from the nearest ocean.

By late afternoon the clouds are predicted to thicken and produce thunder. This time of year when thunder comes to town tornadoes often follow. 

I have had little endorphin inducing aerobic activity the past couple days, so this morning I ventured out to do some fast walking on the Circle Trail.

Heading south on the Circle Trail I soon came to the colorful collection of Texas wildflowers you see above. These are located a short distance from where the Circle Trail passes under the Southwest Boulevard bridge over Holliday Creek.

Wikipedia has a Holliday Creek article, which should be illuminating for anyone thinking Holliday only has one 'l'.

Nurse Linda Lou has me finally getting an appointment to get the COVID vaccine. I can not remember when I was last shot for anything. I can not remember any shots this century.

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