Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Shadow Of The Thin Tree On New Section Of Wichita Falls Circle Trail

No, that is not the Shadow of the Extremely Thin Man you are seeing above. My plan to lose the COVID 30 I gained in the past year ran awry for various reasons in March. I am hoping April does not go awry. The thin shadow you see above is from a leaf-free tree hovering over the Circle Trail.

Today I drove my bike to the east entry parking lot access to the Wichita Bluffs Nature Area. Before pedaling west to the Nature Area I pedaled east to see the current state of the Circle Trail extension to Lucy Park. 

The new trail has added a lot of feet since I last checked, along with building the bridge you see the thin tree shadowed upon.

It appears this bridge was built in the Fort Worth style, over dry land, but built not at the Fort Worth bridge building speed, hence this Wichita Falls Circle Trail bridge is completed, instead of languishing for years partway built, with weeds running amok.

I rode my bike at the aforementioned Lucy Park yesterday. I can not figure out where the Circle Trail extension is going to connect to the Circle Trail in Lucy Park. At the current pace of construction that mystery should be solved soon.

The mystery of the Fort Worth bridges remains unsolved. Three simple little freeway overpass-like bridges, being built over dry land, ever since 2014, with no coherent explanation ever provided explaining why building these simple little bridges has taken so long.

Fort Worth does not have a real newspaper with real journalists practicing real journalism who might get to the bottom of Fort Worth's bridge building mystery...

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