Friday, March 19, 2021

Rock & Rolling The Circle Trail

I was back in the Wichita Bluff Nature Area area today, parking on the parking lot at Loop 11 and the Circle Trail. That location is east of the actual Wichita Bluff Nature Area, but is in the area of the Nature Area, about a half mile east of the arch one passes under to enter the actual Nature Area.

I got myself a music playing device yesterday. It's been years since I last had radio headphones which kept me entertained whilst mountain biking. When those old radio headphones broke I was unable to find a suitable replacement, as such devices had fallen out of favor, replaced by pods and earbuds.

And then yesterday whilst perusing electronic devices at Walmart, I saw a newfangled version of my old radio headphones, with this newfangled version being a little thing attached to a cord with earbuds at its end. This new device was easy to program with dozens of preset stations, both AM and FM.

And so today I rock and rolled while walking on the Circle Trail.

That photo you see at the top was taken near that aforementioned parking lot at Loop 11 and the Circle Trail. I think the tall grass makes for interesting foliage.

 Before I headed west on the Circle Trail, I headed east to check out the current state of the Circle Trail extension which soon, hopefully, will extend all the way to Lucy Park. Much progress has occurred since I was at this location a couple weeks ago.

I was slightly overdressed for today's hiking. Yesterday I had the opposite problem. It is hard to determine what level of layering is needed when factoring in the chilling effect of a constant wind with blustery gusts.

Yesterday the wind made for a chilly outdoor experience. Today, the same temperature, with no wind, made for overheating due to being overdressed without the chilling wind.

If it warms up enough I think I will take my new music playing device on a bike ride later today. I need to amp up the exercise in order to get rid of the COVID poundage before I venture north in a couple months...

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