Saturday, March 27, 2021

Balmy Second Saturday Of Spring At Mount Wichita

This final Saturday of the 2021 version of March is the first time in a long time, perhaps the first time this year, that I rode my bike south on the Circle Trail all the way to Mount Wichita.

It seems like only weeks ago Mount Wichita was covered with snow and freezing with a temperature below zero, because such was the case only weeks ago.

And now, today, that which was recently cold and white has turned warm and green.

As in a temperature in the mid 70s today.

Feeling balmy.

I turned on my computer room ceiling fan for the first time this year.

But, so far I have not felt the need to turn on the air conditioning.

You see no humans in the photo documentation of the formerly snow covered Mount Wichita.

But, there were a lot of people today enjoying the perfect weather. Some floating in boats, fishing. Other fishing from the Lake Wichita floating dock. Others fishing from the Lake Wichita Boardwalk. And many more fishing from shore.

I do not know if there are many fish to catch living in Lake Wichita. There must be, even though I've never seen one caught, because there is usually at least one person fishing. 

I have seen a lot of fish reeled in at nearby Sikes Lake.

In addition to all the people trying to reel in fish I encountered many bikers, hikers, joggers, walkers, baby carriages and dogs.

An excellent second Saturday of Spring....

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