Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Texas Power Collapse Continues Out Of My Comfort Inn Zone

 Earlier today I was able to blog from my home computer after escaping the Comfort Inn and discovering the power was back flowing to my abode.

The decision was made to evacuate from the Comfort Inn and return to the home abode.

When checking out from the Comfort Inn we learned the Inn was full from others escaping the Texas Deep Freeze. It was decided to err on the side of caution and pay for another night.

It was after that I learned the power was back on. And so returned to the Comfort Inn and cancelled the second night's stay. 

A few hours later the power went out again. And stayed out. For a long time. Figuring the Comfort Inn was full I called other locations to find them all full or without power. Soon thereafter Linda Lou called and hearing of my woe suggested calling the Comfort Inn to see if anything was available there.

And so I did as Linda Lou suggested and was surprised when the manager basically said no problemo, we still have your room available. So, it was back to the Comfort Inn, Room 105.

That is the view from Room 105 above, looking out at a Taco Bueno, maker of the world's worst Mexican food. A fact confirmed when I made my way there through blinding snow and got a taco and burrito, both bland.

Soon thereafter circumstances caused me to return to my abode, again. I drove through the blinding snow, the mile to my home location, and found the power was back on. Again.

I then made the strategic decision to go back to the Comfort Inn, gather up my stuff, and return to my abode, where I am much more comfortable than at the Comfort Inn. But now I have the back up of an escape should the power go out again and I get too cold.

And now on a lighter note, my Favorite Nephew Joey texted me today saying he heard on the news that people should check on their elderly relatives in Texas. And so Joey asked how I was doing with the Texas Power Disaster. Along with that question Joey also sent video of Hank Frank with the text with the video saying...

"Here is Henry attempting to travel to Texas to help his Favorite Uncle D..."

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