Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Sunset Bike Ride To Frozen Lake Wichita

Yesterday, late in the afternoon, during the hour when the sun starts to set in the west, with the outer world temperature having soared into the 70s, I thought a bike ride might be a mighty fine thing to do.

And so I did. And so it was. 

When I roll the short distance from my abode to the Circle Trail I have two options, go north on the Circle Trail or go south.

I opted for the south option, the one which a mile and a half later takes me to Lake Wichita.

On the way to Lake Wichita I was surprised to see that long sections of Holliday Creek were still frozen. And then when I got atop Lake Wichita Dam I was surprised again, seeing that Lake Wichita was still frozen with what looked like a solid layer of ice.

I took several photos of this rare phenomenon, the one above, with my bike parked on the floating dock which was currently floating on top of ice. 

And the following photos, some taken from the vantage point of that aforementioned floating on ice dock, and some taken from the vantage point of the Lake Wichita Boardwalk.

Above we are on the floating dock, looking north at an ice covered lake and the earthen dam which makes the lake.

And here we are on the Lake Wichita Boardwalk, looking at all that remains of the long gone Lake Wichita Pavilion.

Looking south from the Lake Wichita Boardwalk. 

Back on the dock floating on ice. That pimple you see on the horizon is known as Mount Wichita.

And for one final photo from the Lake Wichita Boardwalk, looking at some more remains of that long gone Lake Wichita Pavilion, and that aforementioned pimple of a mountain, sticking up out of the far end of the lake.

The temperature today is scheduled to get again into the 70s. I suspect another bike ride will be had today. But no hot shower. The boiler which heats my water is still being repaired....

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