Thursday, February 18, 2021

Normalcy & Water Slowly Returns During The Great Texas Polar Vortex Deep Freeze Disaster


Above you are looking south through my windshield, on Lawrence Road, at its intersection with Midwestern Boulevard. As you can see the road is mostly bare of snow.

And now the rest of the story...

My stress level has gone down a lot today. By around the noon lunch time cold water was back flowing through my taps. The hot water gradually getting warmer.

By mid afternoon, the roads which I can see from my abode's vantage point were largely cleared of slick stuff, by plows, the sun, higher temperatures and traffic.

And so around 4 this afternoon I ventured out, with the nearest Walmart my destination. That would be the Greenbrier Walmart off Southwest Parkway. Well, I got there easily, saw the parking lot had been plowed, saw only a couple dozen vehicles parked.

I was soon in my mask and out of my vehicle when a couple walking towards me said the store was closed. What's with all the cars, asked I. To which the reply was they wondered that too.

I told the couple that the Walmart on Lawrence across from ALDI stayed open through the worst of this nightmare, so I am sure it is open now. I was then told they were visiting from Minnesota and did not know where Lawrence was.

I then said follow me, it's only a couple miles. And so they did. They turned into Walmart, and since I was in the neighborhood I decided to go to ALDI.

ALDI's shelves were greatly depleted, particularly the fresh produce and the meat products.

After ALDI I went across the street to Walmart and found that store even more depleted than ALDI. Walmart had no milk or eggs, along with a lot of other shelves empty of their regular goods.

When I was near the empty milk shelves I heard a little boy say to his mom "There's no milk." When I got closer I asked the mom if she was needing milk. She said she was. So I told her ALDI has plenty, along with eggs. She thanked me profusely.

Both ALDI and Walmart were wiped out of most bread products. 

But I am feeling way better about this ongoing Texas Polar Vortex Deep Freeze Disaster than I did this morning.

Tomorrow I should have no problem making it to a previously scheduled pharmacy appointment, and to downtown, where I need to return some books.

I do not recollect ever so looking forward to the end of winter as I currently am...

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