Sunday, February 28, 2021

Final Chilly February Wichita Bluff Nature Walking

It had been a couple days without any aerobically induced endorphins.

And thus on this last day of the 2021 version of February I was feeling a bit cranky and a bit stir crazy.

Perhaps stir cranky would be the correct terminology.

And so I took myself on a bit of a Sunday drive, heading east to the, well, slum-like part of this fine Texas town. 

Eventually I came to Beverly Drive, which ironically is not in the Beverly Hills section of Wichita Falls, but runs from that aforementioned slum-like part of town to Loop 11. 

Once I got to Loop 11 I was a short distance from the parking lot at the east end of the Wichita Bluff Nature Area. 

And so I decided to do some nature walking and check out the current state of the new section of Circle Trail which will soon connect to the current terminus of the Circle Trail in Lucy Park.

Before I forget, I must make mention of my unkempt appearance as seen in the Elsie Selfie above. I only returned to having hot water a couple days ago, and so I have not yet had sufficient time to undo the damage caused by not having access to modern amenities, such as power and hot water.

You can also tell by my bundled up attire that the outer world is being a bit chilly today. Overcast, foggy, windy and drizzly.

I was not the only one checking out the current condition of the new section of the Circle Trail.

The two speed walking ladies raced past me, startling both me and a big black cat which the lady in pink shrieked was a bobcat. The big black cat did not even remotely resemble a bobcat.

And above you see the current end of the paved part of the new section of Circle Trail. I do not know how far what you see above is from Lucy Park. If I remember correctly this new section of Circle Trail is around 3 miles.

After reaching the point you see above I turned around and headed towards the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

Eventually reaching the high point you see here. A scenic overlook looking over the Wichita River. In this view we are looking northwest, towards my old home location in Washington.

Tomorrow March roars in like a lion.

I am looking forward to 30 days later when March limps out like a lamb.

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