Saturday, February 20, 2021

Facebook Look At Texas Power Disaster & Ted Cruz

What you are seeing here are memes gleaned from Facebook, all about the Polar Vortex Deep Freeze Disaster in Texas. And Ted Cruz.

One of my friends up in the Pacific Northwest asked if Texans are aware of how bad Texas is looking to the rest of America, and the world.

And if Texans are aware of how awful Ted Cruz looks to the rest of America, and the world.

I told my PNW friend that many Texans are well aware that something is dire wrong with their state, and that something is dire wrong with Ted Cruz. If more Texans voted the last midterm election, in 2018, Ted Cruz would not have won another term, and Texas would have one senator who was not an ongoing embarrassment.

So, scroll down and you will see a collection of memes on this subject which I collected from Facebook this morning...

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