Sunday, January 24, 2021

Thick Cloud Cover Prevents Seeing The Mountain From My Location


Yester morning Elsie Hotpepper asked me how I was doing.

Not so well, in way too many ways, was the short version of my reply.

In the longer version I said I felt in dire need of being on an ocean shore with mountains, due to slowly going stir crazy due to being stuck due to COVID, barely having left this town for over a year, let alone leaving this flat, scenery challenged state.

So, yester morning had me lamenting wanting to be on an ocean shore gazing at mountains, and then yester afternoon brought me, via incoming email, three scenes of both saltwater and mountains.

The incoming was from Washington, from Harstine Island, located in south Puget Sound. Sent by little sister Michele. 

The text in the email said "The colors of the sunset against The Mountain were amazing last night."

I think I have mentioned previously that when you are a Washingtonian when you refer to The Mountain you are talking about Mount Rainier, it being the biggest of the state's five active volcanoes.

I cropped one of the tree photos to get a closer look at The Mountain. That is what you see above. The uncropped version is what you see below.

Next summer, if the current COVID situation improves, I expect to see the above view with my own eyes.

In the meantime I gaze out my window at a gray sky dripping drizzle, with downpours and thunderstorms on the menu for later today. And no volcanoes, mountains or oceans no matter which direction one looks...

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