Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sunday Swaying In Lucy Park With Dumas Demons

On this third Sunday of the new year of 2021, which is also the last Sunday with America having the worst president in its long history, and with this Sunday at my location being a wind-free, cloud-free blue sky day, I took myself to my favorite Wichita Falls park, which is Lucy Park, to do some nature communing, along with disc golf dodging.

As you can see I used my phones recently installed un-patented Elsie Hotpepper selfie app to take a photo whilst swaying on Lucy Park's Wichita River suspension bridge.

I used the app's distort the size feature to make me way smaller. I do not know why one would want to make oneself way smaller, but now I know how to do so should the need arise.

Last night Linda Lou called and amongst the many subjects talked about one was being in Cabo San Lucas on May 1 for my third oldest nephew's first wedding. Linda Lou did not get an invitation, and mine did not include the "plus one" option, so I guess Linda Lou won't be attending this nuptial event with me.

Changing the subject back to America's worst president ever. Yesterday I drove to Sikes Lake for a walk around the pond. Upon arrival I saw that which you see below, parked on the parking lot...

Upon seeing this my first thought was wondering if this was a busload of Trumpers heading to Austin to do something disruptive on Wednesday. That orange color scheme seemed Trumpy. And not knowing there needs to be a 'B' in DUMBASS also seemed Trumpy. 

But would a group of Trump cultists accurately name themselves "DUMBASS DEMONS"?

Such seemed unlikely.

And then I remembered there is a town called Dumas, near Dalhart, north of Amarillo. A soccer game was being played on the field behind the bus. Googling Dumas Demons I quickly learned the town's high school is known as the Demons.

Demons seems an odd mascot/nickname for a school.

The high school from whence I graduated is known as the B-EHS Tigers. That seems a rather ordinary, common, nickname.

And an odd choice since there are no tigers running loose in the state of Washington.

Now that you have me thinking about this there are a lot of demons running loose in Texas. Ted Cruz comes to mind, among many others...

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