Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Hiking Lucy Park Muddy Wichita Falls Backwoods With Green Tasmanian Devil

With the temperature nearing the 60 zone I thought I might be able to have myself a mighty peaceful time communing with nature at the best park in Wichita Falls, which is Lucy Park.

I thought correctly.

As in I was able to have myself a mighty peaceful fine time communing with nature in the backwoods area of Lucy Park. I did have a couple mud incidents which were mildly unpleasant, but did not greatly interfere with having myself a mighty fine time.

And today, unlike yesterday, I did not have excessive outerwear causing any overheating.

One long sleeved shirt over a t-shirt, over cargo shorts. It was like being back in summer again.

Well, except I never wear anything long sleeved in summer.

This particular, green, long sleeved shirt is well over a quarter century old.

I got it in the Disney store in the Caesar's Palace mall in Las Vegas, way back in 1994. The people I was with opined that a shirt with the Tasmanian Devil on it perfectly matched my difficult personality. If I remember correctly when I indicated I did not want to buy such a thing it was bought for me.

I seldom wear this irksome shirt. But, today I did.

No one went hiking with me today.

Last night the Skagit Valley's Linda Lou went to Walmart with me. That was fun. Linda Lou is what is known as a good conversationalist. Which in my world translates into meaning Linda Lou does not mind listening to me ramble on and on.

I think it has been a couple weeks since I have rolled my bike's wheels. If this wheeling prohibition goes on much longer I may forget how to operate that machine...

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