Friday, January 1, 2021

Hank Frank Driving 32 Hours To Build Snowman With Favorite Uncle

 A blizzard blew through town early this first morning of the new 2021 year, coating the outer world in white, which I did not know had happened until the sun began its first illuminating duty of the new year.

Soon upon seeing a winter wonderland had arrived I text messaged David, Theo, Ruby, Hank Frank and Spencer Jack asking if anyone wanted to go ski down Mount Wichita, do some sledding, cross country skiing or building a snowman, with their favorite uncle.

Hank Frank was the only one who got back to me with a possible snow play date. But, that it would take around 32 hours to drive to my location.

So, I decided not to wait for anyone to play in the snow with me and opted to build a snowman all by myself.

The resulting work of icy art is what you see photo documented above.

I have not decided if snow on the first day of 2021 is an ominous omen, or a fortuitous omen. What I know for sure is a couple hours past noon most of the snow has melted, with only patches of white remaining.

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