Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Cold Walking To Sikes Lake Bayou With Incoming Books From Linda Lou

With the temperature a couple degrees above freezing, feeling the need for some outdoor nature communing, I opted to drive the short mile to Sikes Lake for a Goose Walk.

And once again I did not layer on enough outer wear to stay warm.

All was fine til shortly after I took the photo you see here, standing on the westernmost Sikes Lake bridge, looking west across the scenic Bayou of Sikes Lake.

The lake trail takes a sharp turn to the east from the Bayou location. And that had me heading directly into the wind, which had that wind chill thing happening, making it suddenly feel as if I had stepped into a deep freeze frozen way below zero.

Eventually I made it back to the warmth of my vehicle, and soon thereafter the shivering ceased.

Upon arriving back at my abode I checked to see if anything was in the mailbox and found that which you see photo documented below.

What you are looking at above are the contents which were in a package sent from Mount Vernon, Washington by Linda Lou.

I can not remember when last I had so much fun trying to get to the insides of a package. Linda Lou had tightly wrapped the contents in layers of steel strength tape which a sharp knife had trouble cutting through. 

Now with three new books to read I won't be needing to venture to the library for awhile, other than to return the four books I currently have checked out.

Thanks Linda Lou...

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