Saturday, December 19, 2020

Point Defiance Zoolights After Ruston Ice Cream Social Theo & Ruby Birthday Party

Photo documentation arrived yesterday documenting the Tacoma Twins, Theo & Ruby's, birthday party celebrating their first decade on Planet Earth. Each twin invited two friends and those friend's siblings, which made for a birthday party of 10, with, I assume, big brother, David, being #10. 

The birthday party started at Point Ruston with something called an Ice Cream Social. Earlier Ruby had reported to me, via text message, that the ice cream cake was deliciously good. 

From Point Ruston the birthday party made its way to Point Defiance Park and the Christmas Zoolights.

In that cool looking photo above you are looking at the birthday party looking down upon the Zoolights. I am assuming this viewing vantage point may be from the pedestrian bridge which connects Point Ruston to Point Defiance Park. I may be erroneous regarding this assumption.

The masks render it difficult to identify who I am looking at above. But, I am fairly certain that is Theo on the lower left, with Ruby next to him. I have no good guess regarding who among the remaining is my nephew David.

Those are some eerie Zoolights, I must say. In this photo I think I can pick out David as being the third from the left. I think I am seeing red hair, which is the David clue. That may be Theo next to David, but I can not tell for sure. With that likely being Ruby slightly in front of the possible Theo.

So, there you go, your virtual participation in Theo & Ruby's 10th Birthday Party...

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