Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Lake Wichita Dam Boardwalk Walk Over Water

This 2nd Sunday of the 2020 version of October found me seeking endorphins and heat relief via fast walking across Lake Wichita Dam, with side walks to the floating fish dock, which is the vantage point from which the above photo was taken, looking across the water at the recently completed Lake Wichita Boardwalk.

The Lake Wichita Boardwalk is built upon iconic signature vertical piers. The Boardwalk was built over actual water in about a year's time. No local congress person's son was part of the project.

I do not know why Wichita Falls does not have Rockin' the Lake Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats in Lake Wichita.

Years ago the location where the new Boardwalk is located was a popular resort, including swimming in the lake options, along with multiple other entertainments.

A train and trolley took visitors to the Lake Wichita Pavilion Resort from points distant, such as the Dallas/Fort Worth zone.

All that remains of the long gone Lake Wichita Pavilion Resort are the wooden piers you see sticking up above the water between the floating fish dock and the new Boardwalk.

Perhaps Fort Worth could send some sort of investigative task force to Wichita Falls to try and learn how this little town managed to build a bridge-like structure over water in about a year, whilst Fort Worth has been floundering for many more years trying to build three simple little bridges with imaginary iconic signature piers, over dry land, to connect the Fort Worth mainland to an imaginary island.


And the cooling wind blowing across the lake was refreshing today...

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