Saturday, October 31, 2020

Seattle's Lonely Only Trump Voter Switches To Biden


I saw that which you see above this morning in the online version of the Seattle Times. I thought it was amusing. Can't imagine seeing such a headline in one of the online Texas newspapers I look at daily.

Such as the Fort Worth Star-Telegram or the Wichita Falls Times News Record.

The curious and lonely tale of 'Wichita Falls only Trump voter' comes to an end.


The curious and lonely tale of 'Fort Worth's only Trump voter' comes to an end.

In my old home state one has to go east of the mountains, to Eastern Washington, to find yourself a lot of Trump voters. Eastern Washington is more like, sort of, rural Texas, than it is like the Puget Sound zone of Western Washington.

Eastern Washington is not quite as prosperous as the west side of the state. And Eastern Washington's education level is far below that of the population of Western Washington, though not nearly as badly educated as those who occupy rural Texas.

The early voting in Texas has surpassed, by far, the total number who voted in the 2016 election. I have no clue what this portends. Fort Worth is the only remaining big Texas city considered to be Red, as in Republican dominated.

But, in the 2018 mid-terms Fort Worth and the county the town is in, Tarrant, gave more votes to Beto O'Roarke than Ted Cruz, sort of a indicator that Fort Worth and Tarrant County are about to turn Blue, because they turned Blue for Beto in 2018.

What I know for sure is I am hoping our long national and international nightmare starts to come to an end next Tuesday...

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