Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Hot Walk With Lucy Park Pagoda


Last week we hit a HOT 100, one day, and then, a couple days ago, an Arctic Blast blew in from the north, taking about 60 degrees off that 100.

Usually the transition from Summer to Winter goes more gently, or so it seems. One day I'm running the A/C, next day I switch to HEAT mode. 

And now, on this third Wednesday of the 2020 version of October we are back in the high 80s, with the A/C running.

What with the return of Summer it seemed like a shady walk at Lucy Park would be salubrious.

And so it was.

I am fairly certain I have blogged a photo of the Lucy Park Pagoda previously. You see these type structures at various locations in Wichita Falls.

I have tried to find an explanation was to the why of these Pagodas, to no avail.

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