Thursday, September 10, 2020

Smoking Red Moon Rising Over Tacoma Trio On Real Washington Island


That would be my nephews and niece, David, Ruby and Theo, with the moon rising behind them, whilst standing on the shore of Harstine Island in the south Puget Sound zone of Washington.

My Washington sources tell me the smoke from the wildfires which have engulfed the west coast, whilst making for burning eyes and unpleasant breathing, at times, also has been making for some spectacularly scenic sunsets and moonrises.

Tomorrow, on 9/11, David is another year older, one year short of becoming a teenager. 

School starts up for the Tacoma Trio, sort of, near as I understand it, next week, to varying degrees. Summer, for the most part, has been spent at the cabin on Harstine Island, not in Tacoma.

Harstine is a real island.

I have learned in recent years that there are some areas of America, such as the Texas town called Fort Worth, which have no clue what an island actually is.

For well over half a decade Fort Worth has been trying to build three simple little bridges over dry land to connect the Fort Worth mainland to an imaginary island.

Nope, not making that up. 

One day in the future, if those little bridges being built over dry land ever get completed, Fort Worth hopes to dig a cement lined ditch under the bridges, to which river water will be diverted, thus creating the imaginary island.

Again, nope, not making this up. Totally true.

Harstine Island is connected to the Washington mainland by a bridge which was built over actual water, it being water of the moving tidal saltwater sort. The Harstine Island bridge was built in way less than four years. Built with no corrupt input from a local politician seeking a job for her son.

I don't think I am going to make it to David's birthday party this year. Maybe next year when he becomes a teenager...

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