Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Hurricane Hannah Brings Heat Relief To Wichita Bluff Nature Area's Buffalo Rock With Trump Derangement Syndrome

Til today it had been a couple weeks since I drove myself to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area to do some bluff climbing and communing with nature.

I think my main reason I have been avoiding the bluffs is because it has just been too HOT.

But, such was not the case today.

Last night, a couple hours after the sun set in the west, the remnants of Hurricane (or was it Tropical Storm) Hannah blew into town with gusts, lightning strikes, thunder booms, and rain.

Lots of rain.

By morning the moat which surrounds most of my abode's location, whenever a lot of rain falls, had returned. When the moat is in town this necessitates taking an adventurous cross country route to the covered carport.

I forgot to mention. See that photo above? One comes to that view soon after passing under the Wichita Bluff Nature Area sign. Today that rock formation you see on the left, under the tree, looked like a buffalo.

So, I decided it is Buffalo Rock.

In Eastern Washington, my old home state, there is a state park on the Columbia River called Lincoln Rock State Park. I have never been able to see Lincoln on this rock in that park. Buffalo Rock is much more easy to see than Lincoln Rock. At least for my eyes.

I was having myself a mighty fine time getting some aerobic stimulation and the resulting endorphins when rain began to makes wet circle dots on the Circle Trail. At that point I was maybe a mile from my vehicle, and maybe a quarter mile from a covered shelter which overlooks the Wichita River.

I opted to get to that shelter, which you see above, and wait it out til the rain ceased downpouring. When that happened I hurriedly hastened my way back to my vehicle, snapping the above photo after I left the shelter.

Just a few feet from that shelter there is the above peaceful looking overlook, with two swinging benches. Unfortunately this is not a covered area. A roadrunner lives in this area. I saw him today, but no coyotes.

We are a month into summer. This most recent dose of rain should keep the outer world green for awhile longer, before the green eventually gives up and everything formerly green turns brown. Except for irrigated lawns. And a few other exceptions.

People suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome were on my mind today whilst walking.

People with TDS think Trump Derangement Syndrome is what those who think Trump is the worst president in American history are suffering from. There is no convincing them otherwise, which is one of the troubling symptoms of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

You can not use facts, reasoning, logic or history with people who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. If facts, reasoning, logic or history were part of their makeup they would not be suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I know millions are working on a vaccine for TDS. I think it arrives on November 3, ahead of the hoped for vaccine for COVID-19...

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