Tuesday, June 16, 2020

On Wichita Bluffs Finding Endorphins Whilst Dodging COVID-19 With Skyscraper Hoodoo

In need of some endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation this morning I was once again in the Wichita Bluff Nature Area communing with nature, whilst quickly ascending and descending the steep natural bluffs.

Today the Wichita Bluff Hoodoo came into view long before I reached its closeup viewing location. I saw the Hoodoo from a distance because it has now risen to heights seldom seen in Hoodoos.

If you look closely at the Hoodoo photo documentation you will see there is a second Hoodoo, of the extremely small sort. Perhaps this is some sort of homage to the Wichita Falls World's Littlest Skyscraper, located a couple miles east of this little Hoodoo rising on the Wichita Bluffs.

We have had a big uptick in confirmed COVID-19 in Wichita Falls. 19 new infections yesterday. Four of those infected were employed in two different downtown Wichita Falls eating and drinking establishments. 

Of late I have seen a steep drop in the number of people wearing a mask whilst shopping, such as in Walmart, or Target, or ALDI, or Office Depot, all of which I have eye witnessed in the past week.

I am coming to terms with the reality there will be no trip to Washington this summer. I have been saying for months that the plan to head to the Pacific Northwest was in jeopardy, but the small part of me which can be optimistic thought it would somehow work out by the time the time arrived.

I fear the worst has not yet began to get near to arriving...

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